How to Shop


You can easily find the products you want, using the search bar on our website. You can add the product name, function or article number into the search bar to run a search.

The product details page for each product displays at least one image of the product, as well as its name, function, color and size details if any, unit price including VAT, material details and other additional data regarding the product.


The minimum order price for online shopping is TRY 500. The delivery fee is TRY 199 for orders up to TRY 1.500, TRY 329 for orders up to TRY 3.000, TRY 439 for orders up to TRY 4.000 and TRY 549 for orders up to TRY 5.000. For purchases over TRY 5.000 it is 11% of the total price of the products you buy.

Once you find the product you are searching for, you can use the “Add to Basket” button on the product details page or other pages of the website displaying the product and add it to your basket. The products which do not have an "Add to Basket" button are offered only at IKEA Stores and are not sold online.

If the product is in stock at the Online Store, click on "Add to Basket" to add it to your basket. You can follow up on products which are not currently available in stock by using the “Inform me when it's in stock” function.

To continue shopping, click the "Continue Shopping" button in the shopping basket. Once you click the "Complete Order" button, you will be directed to your shopping basket page.

On the basket page, you can display information about the products in your basket, the prices of individual items and the grand total of the basket, the delivery fees and a brief note on delivery service. On the same page, you can update the quantities of the products in your basket, remove any product from your basket using the "X" icon next to the product image or go back to "Continue Shopping". When you have all the products you need in your basket, you can proceed to the next stage by clicking on the “Complete Order” button.

You can shop on our website either as a registered member or without signing up at all. If you sign up, next time you’ll have a faster shopping experience by using the addresses you saved. If you choose to proceed without signing up, you can complete the order after entering the delivery and billing addresses.


On the Order Summary and Payment page, you will see unit prices, quantities, total purchase price and delivery fees for all products in your basket. If you wish to make any change regarding your order at this stage, you can return to previous pages using the back button on your browser and make any change you like.

To be able to proceed to the payment page, you should click on the check box “I have read the preliminary information and the agreement. I agree to the terms.” If you click on these documents, you can reach the content and read.

You can check your delivery and billing address once again on your Order Summary and Payment page, and update it if necessary. The Payment Options section displays the interest-free installment options. If the bank that issued your credit card is not one of the banks collabrated with, you can proceed with Visa/Mastercard option.

Click on the Continue button on the Order Summary page to proceed to the payment page. At this stage, you are directed to the secure virtual POS screen, and then to the 3D Security Page of your bank to enter your credit card details. To complete payment, enter the single-use 3D security password sent to your mobile phone.

Our web site does not ask for your credit card details. We direct you to the bank’s secure payment platform for that purpose. You can only enter your credit card details on the bank’s virtual POS site.

Once the payment step is completed, the bank will redirect you automatically to our web site. If the payment is successful, you will see your reference number. If a failure occurred while processing the payment, you can return to the payment stage by clicking on the “Try Again” button.

The Preliminary Information form and Distance Sales Agreement for your order will be sent to you via e-mail after successful completion of the payment and will also be kept by us in accordance with regulations. If you are a registered member of our web site, you can display the Preliminary Information form and Distance Sales Agreement on the “My Orders” section of the “Profile” page.


If you made the purchase after logging in as a member, you can track the current status of your order in the “My Orders” section.

If you made the purchase without signing up, you can track its current status using your order reference number on Order Tracking page


Our firm uses certain forms on the web site to request certain items of personal information (e.g. name, age, areas of interest, e-mail address), to be able to serve the users better. Such information kept secure on the information systems of our firm is used exclusively within our firm (for seasonal promotions, various campaigns, arrangement of promotions tailored to user profiles, and customer/user profile “categorization” with respect to exclusion from unsolicited e-mail lists).

Our firm does not share any information gathered through sign-up forms with third parties, without notifying the user in question or in disregard of her instructions otherwise; does not use such information for any commercial purposes other than its ordinary operations; and does not sell such information.

Our firm gathers, in addition to the e-mail addresses and personal information of the user required in registration forms, such meta data on user activities and preferences tracked during the use of the site, and analyses and interprets such data within its customer relations platform. Statistical data pertaining to user activities on the basis of web pages, free of any personal details, may be shared with our business partners, so as to provide a more specific and efficient experience to our customers.


Turkish Law governs any disputes which may arise with reference to your online orders. For the settlement of any disputes arising under Law no. 6502, you may file a claim before the Consumer Arbitration Committees for claims up to the limit announced by the Ministry of Customs and Trade, and before the Consumer Courts of Istanbul for any disputes in excess of the said limit.

IKEA Contact


You can access the Disclosure Text For Membership Regarding The Processing Of Personal Data here.

Commercial Electronic Message Confirmation

If you confirm, please specify your communication preferences.

You can change your communication permissions on My Account / Profile page as you like.

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