How to save water at home?

With a fresh look at your household habits, you might save many litres of precious fresh water every day. That way, you’ll stop your money – as well as the water – from being flushed down the drain.

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How to use less water in the bathroom?

The ÅBÄCKEN mist nozzle uses up to 95% less water in mist mode and 66% less in spray mode compared to a standard wash-basin mixer tap with a water flow rate of 5.7 l/min. So you also save energy on heating water.

See all taps
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IKEA taps and shower heads have a built-in aerator. This mixes in air to maintain a good flow with less water.

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How to use less water in the kitchen?

For most washing-up tasks, you probably don’t need a full sink of water. You can cut your water consumption simply by placing a smaller tub in your sink and using that to wash-up in instead.

See all sink accessories

Products to help your water saving

When you want to reduce your water consumption at home, you might find some fresh ideas in the IKEA range.

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Cool water on demand

If you keep a jug of water chilling in the fridge, you won’t need to run the tap waiting for the water to cool down. After all, that’s just flushing good water down the drain.

See all jugs

Tips and ideas for a more sustainable home

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